Outdoor fun is great — and doing things indoors can be just as fulfilling if you’re intentional about it. Whether you’re staying inside due to weather or just need a break from the hustle and bustle, home is a wonderful place to rest, learn, and grow. It might be tempting to binge on a Netflix series or game your way into oblivion, but consider other choices that will get you (mostly) off screens and into constructive, pleasurable leisure time. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. 

1. Learn to Play an Instrument

Think about an instrument you’ve always dreamed of playing, and give it a try. Making music is a hobby that can fit any budget, if you know where to look. Be sure to find an instrument that’s a good fit for you, whether you prefer tenor ukuleles or boutique guitars. No matter where you live, you can find either online or in-person instruction that fits your unique needs. Keep in mind, too, that many excellent musicians are self-taught. 

2. Learn a New Language

Thinking about that European jaunt you’ve been saving for? Want to explore a new culture and find an international set of friends? Learn a new language! There’s no shortage of high-level, free ways to get you speaking, writing, and understanding any language you want. Great apps like Duolingo and Speechling (with free pronunciation feedback) can kickstart the process, and don’t forget podcasts and videos to boost your learning. Dig into some old-fashioned textbooks, too — they provide a time-honored foundation for language learning. 

3. Meetup Virtually

There’s nothing quite like meeting up in real life, but don’t discount the pleasures of getting together online. From coffee klatches to knitalongs to book studies, there are many fascinating activities you can choose from. You don’t have to sit and stare at the screen the whole time. Sometimes it’s just fun to have video conferencing on with a friend or distant family member while you cook or go about your day.  

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4. Dance

Get up and move! Put on your favorite music and dance in any way you like. No one’s watching, unless you want them to. Dancing is a powerful stress reliever and a fantastic all-over workout. Want more structure? Explore your favorite dance styles, select one, and find a YouTube instructional video that gets you motivated and inspired.

Enjoyable indoor leisure means thinking creatively. Try these ideas to enhance your time at home.