Gutter guards might save your gutter system from large debris, but they’re not foolproof. Smaller items like twigs, pine needles, and slimy freshwater algae can slip through, creating a clog that prevents rainwater from draining. Clogged gutters are a fire hazard, mold hazard, and mildew hazard. It is why cleaning them is so important.

Prevents Fire Hazards

Gutter guards prevent the buildup of flammable materials like leaves and pine needles that can pose a fire hazard in regions with brushfires. The guards also act as a barrier between wind-blown embers and the gutter, deflecting them from the house or roof. Gutter covers also deter rodents and birds from making nests or burrowing into the gutter system, which could lead to water damage in the home. They also help keep mosquitoes from breeding, as they require standing water to breed and thrive.

Many gutter guards are on the market today, including screen, micro mesh, reverse curve, and brush. Some are invisible from the ground, while others, such as foam and brush guards, can be more visible. Regardless of the type chosen, it’s important to remember that these gutter guards Lynnwood should only be installed by trained professionals who follow proper safety measures when working at heights. Attempting to install these products yourself may void your roof warranty and cause costly damage to the gutter system and your house.

Prevents Clogs

Gutter guards prevent clogged gutters by blocking leaves, twigs, pine needles, and other debris from falling inside your gutter system. They also avoid overflow from clogged gutters that can cause roof leaks, fascia rot, and water damage to your home. You can spend time climbing ladders with gutter covers and scooping out clogged debris by hand. It is not only messy, but it’s dangerous, too. Over 800,000 Americans are injured yearly from slips and falls around the house, many of which are caused by climbing a ladder. However, most reputable manufacturers of gutter covers claim their systems are designed to eliminate the need for routine cleaning. Though that may be true for some homeowners, it’s important to remember that no gutter guards offer 100 percent protection from fallen debris like branches, twigs, and pine needles. You will still need to climb a ladder to clean your gutters once or twice a year, even with gutter guards.

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Prevents Pests

Gutter guards prevent rodents and other pests from getting into your gutter system. When these pests are allowed to access the gutters, they can damage the roof and other components of the home. Clogged gutters foster mold growth, water damage, and foundation problems. The sludge in dirty gutters also harbors pigeon feces, which can carry a fungus harmful to human health. Gutter guards keep plant matter out of the gutters, reducing clogs and the frequency homeowners need to clean their gutters. Still, these guards won’t eliminate the need for gutter cleaning. Small debris like twigs, pine needles, seeds, and insects can slip through the barrier and must be removed occasionally. Plus, spot blockages with the guards in place are often difficult because they obstruct the view. Attempting to reach a blocked gutter without the right equipment can be dangerous, especially in two-story homes. It is why some types of gutter guards require professional installation and come with warranties.

Prevents Ice Dams

Gutter guards help prevent ice dams by keeping snow and ice from accumulating on the roof’s eaves, where they often form. As the snow melts and refreezes repeatedly, it creates thick ridges of ice that can cause water to back up underneath loose shingles and enter your home, causing damage. The greatest gutter guards control water flow into the gutters while keeping debris out using surface tension. They’re also long-lasting and are less likely to clog than cheaper alternatives. However, even though they help prevent ice dams, gutter guards don’t eliminate them. For that, you must invest in a roof rake and ensure your attic is properly insulated and ventilated to keep the heat from melting the snow on the roof. For an even more comprehensive solution, consider installing heated gutter guards. Their heating cable is installed under the filter, allowing more heat to disperse and quickly melt snow or ice.

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