Many parents begin the custody process with false beliefs or unrealistic expectations. For example, many fathers assume that courts favor mothers or that securing 100% full custody is impossible.

It’s also important for parents to prepare their cases properly. This includes not bad-mouthing their co-parent in front of the children and maintaining a stable home environment for visitation or parenting time.

Experienced Negotiation

An experienced child custody Red Bank NJ lawyer can guide you through the complex legal issues involved in a divorce and help ensure your best interests, including child custody, are represented in court. In deciding child custody, the courts look at a wide range of factors, and the overriding consideration is what is in the children’s best interest. Experienced negotiators spend a lot of time planning for their negotiations, preparing to defend their positions and anticipating counter-arguments from the other side. During the discussion phase, they focus on reaching a win-win outcome and use whatever common ground they can find to strengthen their bargaining position.

The rights and obligations of each parent about their children are outlined in a parenting plan, which is a negotiated agreement. It might also cover other relevant topics and information on holidays, visitation schedules, and dispute resolution. The parent’s willingness to participate in making decisions for their children will be taken into account by the court, along with any other pertinent issues.

Experienced Mediation

Experienced mediators can quickly assess the dynamics of a dispute and help parties find common ground. Mediators are trained to listen and facilitate the conversation that helps parents develop a custody arrangement that works for everyone. A mediator has no preconceived notions about how a case should be resolved, which is important to parents struggling to communicate calmly and rationally. A good mediator can also identify areas of agreement and encourage parents to consider creative solutions to the problem. Mediation sessions are private, so parents can talk openly without fear that what they say in mediation will be used against them in court. This confidentiality is an essential aspect of the mediation process. However, the courts can order mediation to be disclosed under certain circumstances. Professionals must complete extensive training and participate in numerous mediations to qualify as mediators. This includes a child custody evaluation.

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Experienced Court Representation

One of the parents’ most difficult issues in divorce or separation is resolving child custody. While some couples might be able to reach an out-of-court agreement on custody and support, others will need to rely on the court to make a decision. When judges decide on control, they will look at the “best interests of the children” standard. Sometimes, the judge will order a child custody evaluation to be completed by a licensed mental health professional. The evaluator will make a recommendation to the Judge as to what parenting arrangement should be awarded. While it is common for judges to follow a custody evaluator’s advice, you can fight the evaluation if it is unfavorably to your case. Experienced “attorneys know how to identify patterns and use predictive models to forecast judicial decisions from factual findings. This powerful tool can help you secure your desired outcome in your custody dispute.

Experienced Advocacy

When deciding on a custody arrangement, a judge will consider which parent can provide the child with a stable home environment and which parent can meet financial obligations. If the non-custodial parent has a history of domestic violence, drug abuse or incarceration, limiting visits to supervised visitations may be necessary. During the custody evaluation process, it is important to cooperate with the evaluator and be honest about your ability to care for your children. Your lawyer can also use their experience to help you understand how the evaluator works and what factors might influence their recommendation. If the evaluator’s recommendation is unfavorable, your attorney can show you how to challenge the report in court. This can be done by proving the evaluator’s bias or showing how the information is flawed. This can result in a favorable custody outcome for you. A successful child custody case depends on a strong legal team.

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