As a commercial property owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure the building is appropriate for use. Whether you’re renting out space to other tenants or using the facility for your own operations, you’ll need to make improvements that are not only good for your bottom line but your occupants as well. From making the building safer to upgrades that modernize the spaces, here are remodeling approaches to consider.

Emphasizing Safety

Older facilities tend to need remodeling that makes them safer places to be. Lead-based paint and products containing asbestos are two examples of construction materials that are now known to be quite dangerous and should be addressed. Fire safety is another factor in making a building safe. What happens in the event of a fire? You should consult an expert on installation of fire sprinklers California and other elements such as extinguishers and hose storage in your facility. 

Modernizing Spaces

In many cases, older buildings were not designed or constructed with things like the Internet in mind. A commercial property today needs the infrastructure for widespread Internet access. Beyond internet access, energy-saving fixtures and features are usually a worthwhile investment. The use of low-energy smart lighting and glazed windows can help lower your heating and cooling bills. Smart lights can automatically shut off when no motion is detected, while energy-efficient windows help keep interior spaces stay cool or warm, depending on the season. 

Improving Accessibility 

The American Disabilities of Act of 1990, also known as the ADA, provides directives when it comes to accessibility standards in the built environment. Your building should be accessible to those who need to use wheelchairs and other aids to move around. Local regulations may require you to make upgrades for ADA compliance. Older buildings may require the installation of elevators, escalators, railings, and ramps to accommodate those with physical disabilities.

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Going Green

For the more sustainability-minded, you should consider implementing high-performance or green building elements. While retrofit costs may be higher, it may be worth it in the long run when it comes to energy savings, lower operational expenses, and decreased carbon footprint. A rainwater or greywater reclamation system repurposes collected storm runoff or wastewater for irrigation and other non-potable water use. 

There are many things to consider when it comes to renovating a commercial building, especially one that is older. Renovations can vary from cosmetic to structural, each leading to a facility that better serves its occupants. Some upgrades may be required by local laws. It’s important to do your homework and plan accordingly.