Within your facility, you have several pieces of heavy machinery that processes your orders and ships them to your customers. You rely on this equipment to keep your business running and get the items to your clients that they asked for. Taking care of them on a regular basis prevents them from breaking down on you when it is the least convenient for you. Here are a few tips to help you maintain these important tools.

Perform Preventative Maintenance

To avoid situations like broken down trucks and crane repairs chattanooga, check over your machinery to ensure that it is in working order. You can create a sheet that lists the major sections of the equipment that you should look at then distribute it to the members of your maintenance staff. Verify that essential fluids, like what you use for the brakes or hydraulics, are at the proper level. Research when you should apply lubricant to the gears, bearings, and other parts then set those dates in your schedule. Analyze belts and gaskets to see if they are cracked. If they are, replace them immediately.

Keep the Area Clean

As you are maintaining the machinery, take a look at the area around it. Excess trash and debris on the floor can send dirt and grime inside the equipment. This can deteriorate the mechanisms within it and cause a breakdown at a time that can be problematic for you. Throw out any garbage that you find on the desks and other workspaces surrounding it. Sweep and mop the floor. Be sure that there is a receptacle in that space for your employees to use. Check the walkways in your facility to be sure that they are clutter free and easy to pass through.

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Educate Your Employees

Your machine operators are the first to know when something happens to the equipment that they work on. Often, they are the cause of the malfunction. As you hire new staff members to your company, show them how to properly operate it. Give them an in depth training that spans what it does, how it functions, and what parts they should keep a close eye on as it is operating. Stress that they must keep their workspace tidy and pay attention to their surroundings. Set aside time each month to bring your employees into the office to cover any additional information sent to you from the manufacturers. This is also a good time to answer any questions.