Using a medical scalpel, dermaplaning is a non-invasive exfoliating method that eliminates vellus hair, or peach fuzz, and dead skin cells. Additionally, it lessens hyperpigmented regions, fine lines and wrinkles, and even helps acne scars become lighter.

When done correctly, dermaplaning will leave your face squeaky clean, allowing for better penetration of your serums and moisturizers. It will also help with makeup application for a smooth, flawless finish.

Reduces Acne

During a dermaplaning procedure, the top layer of dead skin cells are removed using a sharp scalpel. This makes way for better skin cells, giving the face a more radiant look. Furthermore, there are less blocked pores, which lowers the possibility of breakouts in the future.

Additionally, it removes peach fuzz, or fine hair that collects dirt and oil on your face. Because the blade merely shaves the surface of your skin, the hair does not regrow darker or thicker.

For best results, dermaplaning Long Island, NY should be done every three to four weeks. However, your licensed professional may suggest more frequent treatments based on your needs. It also makes it easier to apply makeup and moisturizer, as the skin is much smoother after the treatment.

Reduces Wrinkles

While we can all appreciate a good glow-inducing serum or facial, some methods offer results without spending hours at the spa. Dermaplaning is one such treatment. The buzzy beauty trend has people shaving their faces with a surgical scalpel to remove vellus hair (aka peach fuzz) and dead skin cells to reveal smoother, brighter, and more even-toned complexions.

Although this may sound like a scary procedure, it’s very safe and gentle. It’s important to note that after dermaplaning, your skin will be slightly more sensitive to the sun, so use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply it often.

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You should also skip dermaplaning if you have active acne, a flaring rosacea breakout, or an inflammatory skin condition, as the process could irritate your skin. Otherwise, the treatment is safe for most skin types.

Reduces Sensitivity

Dermaplaning is safe for all skin types, so this exfoliation technique can work wonders whether you have an oily or dry complexion. However, if you have sensitive skin, your aesthetician will adjust their technique to avoid irritation.

Aside from reducing redness, a freshly exfoliated face is less prone to hyperpigmentation and acne scars as discolored cells are replaced with healthy ones. Plus, makeup goes on smoother, and skincare products are more effective when they can penetrate the skin without hair or dead skin getting in the way.

Removes Dead Skin Cells

Dermaplaning can help minimize pores, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and even improve skin tone. It also removes that layer of dead skin cells that causes dullness, and your favorite skincare products like serums & moisturizers will absorb better on smooth, exfoliated skin.

The procedure is painless, but you will feel a slight scratching sensation. Your licensed professional may put numbing cream or spray on your face before the treatment to reduce discomfort.

Your skin will look brighter immediately after your treatment, but the results can fade depending on how you care for your complexion. Getting a dermaplaning session once a month is recommended to maintain your fresh, glowing complexion. Avoid exfoliating treatments and retinol products following your treatment, and always use broad-spectrum sunscreen to prevent sun damage.

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Removing Facial Hair

Those tiny hairs on your face can trap dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, which leads to dull skin and fine wrinkles. Dermaplaning removes these hairs, revealing fresh new skin and preventing future buildup.

It can also improve the appearance of enlarged pores, scars, and fine lines. Plus, it helps your skincare products absorb more effectively.

As a result, the foundation goes on smoother, and makeup looks more natural. Dermaplaning can also help pregnant women and those unable to use chemical peels or laser treatments, as it can provide an exfoliation alternative without the risk of irritation. But be sure to inform your esthetician if you have a history of cold sores, as the procedure may trigger an outbreak. Otherwise, most people experience no side effects.